Joined: Dec 28, 2009
Topics: 66 / Replies: 1609
Abs Forum Participation- Topic For August 2015

I totally agree with Ed. My belief has always been that once I achieved my JS and MS I wanted to pass what I learned onto others. I have been able to ...

10 years ago
Question On Show Ethics?

How about four Joshua. I normally have knives for delivery at shows and put them on the table as sold until picked up. Like Mike states, selling piec...

10 years ago
Bowie--- Lizard(2015.7.30)

I agree Steve. Beautiful bowie and sheath. Good job Jason. Brion

10 years ago
Forged Fighter Video

Excellent Nick. Should be required viewing for beginning bladesmiths. Love the integral guard. Thank you Brion

10 years ago
Work In Progress Side Ring Dagger

I had a question Gary. Did you make the scraper for the fuller? And do you have a picture of it. Thanks in advance. Brion

10 years ago
Ivory Ban Call To Action

What a load of, well you know. This will do nothing to stop illegal poaching. Also it will make any knife maker that has ivory basically a criminal an...

10 years ago
Work In Progress Side Ring Dagger

Just great Gary! A big thank you for the WIP. I look forward to seeing this one in Kansas City. Brion

10 years ago
Thoughts On Forged In Fire Tv Show.

Agreed Matthew. The show does seem to be getting better as it goes on. I liked the last episode, of course I like hamons. And congratulations to Drago...

10 years ago
2015 Heartland Bladesmithing Symposium

Really looking forward to it Steve. Always a great weekend. I will be doing forging, grinding, and of course heat treating for hamons. Great demonstra...

10 years ago
Cru-Forge V

You are welcome Gary. I have found it to be fairly easy to forge about on a par with 5160 and W2. Pretty forgiving of warpage too. After heat treating...

10 years ago
Hello From Wisconsin

Welcome Bobby. Good to have you here. Karl is something else and makes great knives. Good person to learn from. Brion

10 years ago
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