Joined: Dec 28, 2009
Topics: 66 / Replies: 1609
A Testing "oversight" Question...

Excellent Kevin! I am with you. Brion

9 years ago
Belt Axe

Very nice Lin. Love your axes! Excellent! Brion

9 years ago
Icce Summary

I enjoyed the show. Some really great knives and people. Joshua, it was good to finally meet you in person. I plan to be there next year. Brion

9 years ago
A Testing "oversight" Question...

Yes I saw that conversation you had Karl. I cannot add anything to Kevin's and Greg's excellent answers. Personally I think the person in question nee...

9 years ago
The Templar, In L3, Wrought Iron And G10

Very nice Steve! Looks like a great carry knife. I especially like the way you incorporated the Japanese influence in the spine. Good work. ...

9 years ago
Wip Wootz Bowie And Sambar

Thank you Jean Louis. Great work in progress and a great finished piece. Bravo my friend! Brion

9 years ago
New Journeyman Smith - Jesse Steele

Congratulations Jesse! Good work. Brion

9 years ago
Hunter--- Feathers (2015.9.13)

Good looking knife Jason. The stag and damascus work well together. Also you do very nice leather work. Like Lin, I would have to hold it and see it i...

10 years ago
Hello From Phoenix Arizona

Welcome Gilbert. Good looking bowie and nice job on the hamon. I look forward to seeing more of your work. Welcome again, good to have you on the foru...

10 years ago
Making And Editing Videos - Techniques, Cameras, And Video Editing Software Ideas - Topic For September 2015

Thank you all for the information. I am still working on digesting it, in between ICCE show knives. I am sure that once I do get into this I will keep...

10 years ago
Recommend A Good Book.

Yes Ronald, Kevins site is full of information. I am sure he can recommend some good books on the subject. Brion

10 years ago
Wip Wootz Bowie And Sambar

This is great Jean Louis! Thank you! I was wondering if the wootz is any harder to forge than regular steel? Does it move under the hammer lik...

10 years ago
Hello From Central Oklahoma

Welcome Anthony. Good to have you in the ABS and the forum. A lot of good makers here in Oklahoma. I hope to see you at a KGA or ABS event. Brion

10 years ago
W2 And Koa Bowie...

Very nice and clean John. Bet it feels really good in the hand. Nice hamon! You are doing great. Brion

10 years ago
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