Joined: Dec 28, 2009
Topics: 66 / Replies: 1609
Wip Damascus Dagger.

Love the guard Jean Louis. This is going to be a great dagger. By draw filing I mean you used a file to get the lines nice and straight by pulling it ...

9 years ago
Wip Damascus Dagger.

Great wip Jean Louis, thank you. I noticed it looks like you did draw filing on the blade, good thing to know for our newer members. It is looking ver...

9 years ago
W2, Koa And A Little Damascus..

You are killing it John! Beautiful knife! I like the dark theme and that koa is great. Excellent. Brion

9 years ago
Grip For Pocket Kiridashi

Hello Donovan. You could use a cord wrap like parachute cord, then coat it with epoxy. However I am with George, I would forge the handle to a more pl...

9 years ago
2015 Fall Piney Woods Hammer In

There you go Mike, teasing me. Probably some really nice walnut. Have a great one down there. Looks like we will have nice weather in Kansas too. Br...

9 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 4060
Hello From Alberta, Canada

Welcome Jesse. It is good to have you here. Whatever we can do to help just let us know. I look forward to seeing you in Atlanta. Brioj

9 years ago
Icce Bowie

That is great Gary. A big thank you! You are what the ABS is about. I echo what Lin said, you are a good man. Brion

9 years ago
Ways To Promote The Forged Blade

I agree Lin. I have found myself stepping out of that comfort zone more and more. Just trying new things to see if you can do them. I am pig headed en...

9 years ago
Hello From New Braunfels Texas

Welcome Robert. Good to have you here on the forum and in the ABS. I know there will probably be an intro course in March. Look forward to meeting you...

9 years ago
Ways To Promote The Forged Blade

Great topic. One thing that jumps out to me is to demonstrate what we do. I know that for the Oklahoma show next March, we are planning a forging demo...

9 years ago
Ebony Or A. Blackwood

Hello Steve. I too have to recommend the blackwood. So much easier to work than ebony, no checking or cracking issues. It also polishes out really nic...

9 years ago
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