As usual John, excellent job and I like it a lot. Very sleek and elegant. Brion
Hello Matthew. I look forward to seeing you in February. I also have an eight inch serrated wheel. I mainly use it for removing scale, handle shaping,...
Hello Adam and thank you for your service. I totally agree, if I am having a bad day, taking a piece of steel, forging, and working it, really release...
I do not use a lot of it, have it just don't use it that much. Usually I brown mine with birchwood casey plum brown. I also usually take it to 800 to ...
Hello Ben and welcome. I will second Anthony on the larger propane tank. I use a 100lb tank and no freeze ups. Sounds like you are off to a good start...
Yes it is Karl. Thank you Lin. Brion
Hello Mareko and congratulations on your forged in fire episode. Great job! In my opinion crucible steel or wootz would not be acceptable as it do...
Thank you Dan! Brion
That is a great looking knife Jason. Very nice rendition. Brion
Welcome Elvis. It is good to have you in the ABS and on the forum. I look forward to seeing your work. Brion
To put it in Okie terms, dang thats purty. Very nice John, going to be one really happy customer. Great job! Brion
Welcome Dean. It is good to have you on the forum and in the ABS. Any questions, just let us know. This forum is a great source of information. Welc...
Love it Jean Louis. I like some of your tools too. That height gauge is simple but effective. Great looking dagger and fittings. Brion
Thank you Lin! Good stuff. Brion