Excellent work Jason. Jerry would approve. Brion
Jason, your work is exceptional! A very nice looking dagger! Brion
Excellent work Stuart! Very classy hunter. Brion
Use them all the time Tucker. They come in real handy. Especially for clips and swedges. Brion
Nice work Finn. I like the blade and the guard. I am with Lin on the handle, not as deep on the finger groove. I also might curve the handle down so y...
Where have I heard that Anthony? Brion
Nicholas, that class is full from what I hear. You would need to call the school and get on the waiting list. Brion
I should be at both. Looking forward to seeing you. Brion
Sorry to hear that Anthony. I hope you have a speedy recovery and get back to hammering. Brion
You all are welcome. This is what it's about, pass on what you learn so we can keep the art going and get more people in here. Glad to do it. Brion
Well done Pablo! You did a great job on the hamon. Nice work! Brion
I like that Jim. Simple, clean, and good looking. Going to be a proud new owner. Brion
Nicholas I know that there will be an intro class at the New England school the first two weeks in November. Jason Knight is listed as the instructor....
Welcome Joey. Good to see you here. It was good to meet you at the hammer in. Or should I say the Friday before. Brion