Hello Erik. I have used furnace cement and it does work just fine. I prefer satanite myself. The key point with satanite is to make sure it is dry bef...
Good looking knife Jason. The browned fittings are fine, basically the same as blued fittings. The etched blade however is too heavily etched. A light...
Hello Fransesco, it is great to see you here my friend. I look forward to your contributions. Keep up the work on the hamons, you are doing great. W...
Welcome Erik. It is great to have you here on the forum and in the ABS. I wish you the best. Your plan sounds good. You can post your questions here o...
That turned out really nice Ed. Love the handle work, and of course the rest. You pimped it good. LOL. Brion
Very cool Matthew! A viking would be proud to own that one. Excellent work! Brion
Nice looking bowie Joshua! Going to be a happy customer. Excellent work! Brion
I agree Anthony! A great weekend! Perfect weather, a great turnout, and great classes. Heather and Kevin's class on assegais was very good. I ...
Really nice work there John! Very clean and that ironwood is great. Brion
Timothy we usually get together around six, somewhere around the backside of the Best Western. Then we go from there. Looking forward to seeing you al...
Stuart, that is a true work of art! Excellent job! The King of Jordan will be very impressed. Brion
Sounds great Mike. I will see you Friday. Brion
I agree with Mike and I will say it again. If you plan on presenting knives for JS or MS in Atlanta or Kansas City, this is a great opportunity to hav...
Yes James that would be fine, but remember, the filework will be judged also if you add filework. The reason being, that if you have a nice knife but ...