Actually Matthew, I have been thinking about that. Saturday will be my basic demo on hamons, steel selection, methods, clay application, quenching, et...
Yes that is how it starts Matt. Oh I will just try some grinding, maybe some heat treating, and you are sucked in. Great to have you in the ABS and on...
I will second the Sleepytime. Great place to stay! It is small with only eight units, but very nice. Plus the owners are good people. Brion
Good job Timothy! A learning experience, but worth it. I like the proportions on it. A good size. Brion
Welcome Sam. It is good to have another smith from down under with us. Brion
Very nice Guillermo! A great start to 2017. Brion
Welcome Aaron! It is good to have you here on the forum and in the ABS. I look forward to seeing your work. Brion
Nice one Chris! I was going to say there is some Lin influence there, John beat me to it. Good influence to have. Brion
J.J. nailed it, especially on the variable speed. Brion
Hello Brian and welcome. Good job on that knife. I look forward to seeing some more of your work. Remember the search feature here on the forum is our...
Welcome David. Some nice openers there. Good job. Great to have you aboard. Brion
Welcome Frank and Happy New Year! It is good to have you in the ABS and here on the forum. Post any questions and we will get them answered. I l...
That is great Kevin! I like the look of the brazil nut pommel and straight cross guard. What is the weight on it? It looks light and fast. Excelle...
Nicholas the fee for this hammer in is $65.00. The fees are how the hammer ins are paid for. Only the demonstrators have free admission. Still th...