Hello Dave. Like Lin said, not much distal taper on that one. Distal taper will spread the force of the bend across a larger area. That tink you heard...
Good possibilty Joshua. Would the b stand for blanchard ground? Brion
It may be similar to the designations for 440 steel. You have 440a, 440b, 440c. The main difference I could find in these is carbon content. According...
Bryant, 1080 means it is a simple spring steel with .8 percent carbon. It will have other elements in it like manganese in small quantities. Another e...
Nice work Mark! Brion
Excellent work Guillermo! Brion
Hello and welcome Will. It is good to have you in the ABS and here on the forum. Brion
Hello Clint, and welcome. I look forward to seeing you in September. The Intro classes are a great way to learn about bladesmithing and will save you ...
Hello Brian and welcome. As Anthony said hammer ins and classes are great. There is also a whole lot of information here on the forum. Any questions, ...
Nice one Curtis! Good design and flow. Nice handle work too. Brion
Hello Jeremiah and welcome. Great to have you in the ABS and here on the forum. I look forward to seeing your work and meeting you in person. Forge ...
Joshua the guard centered refers to centered side to side not top to bottom. Can't have the guard being fatter on one side than the other. Personally ...
Matthew if all you are going to be doing is drawing spines a propane torch will work fine. Takes longer but works great. The mapp/oxy works well but i...
Dang John! That is pretty slick, love it! Brion
Gorgeous knives! Vero and Jean Louis are really doing top notch work. John would be proud. Brion