Greg that statement is pretty much true. Over the course of the two weeks you will make blades, but not really a finished knife. The main points of th...
Gary you will have to call Vickie McCorkle at Texarkana College. Her number is above. She can tell you if the classes have openings. Brion
Excellent work Pablo! I look forward to seeing what style of mounts you come up with. Brion
Great looking sword Matthew! I bet the balance is great too. Brion
An example of what you can do. The steel is 1075 taken to 1485 degrees and quenched in parks 50. The blade style is a kwaiken or sleeve knife. The cla...
All those little details on those knives. You make it look easy Gary. Well done.
Welcome Dylan. You had two great instructors in Kevin and Heather. I look forward to seeing your work. Let us know if you have any questions. Brion
It was a good year at the school Mike. I am glad to be a part of it and looking forward to next year. Brion
I think it is fine Anthony. That is acceptable. You can always do more adjusting after heat treating, but I think it is fine. One thing I would think ...
You and the knife did great Anthony. I am proud of you. Good work! Brion
Very nice Jason! Classic style. Brion
Daniel it is doable, but yeah a LOT of elbow grease. Real good sanding paper is a necessity. Brion
One thing Daniel. It forges well, but hand rubbing it after heat treat is a nightmare. That vanadium in there makes it really abrasion resistant. B...