Welcome John. There is so much experience and knowledge from so many members that are always willing to help. That is what sets the ABS apart from all...
I lift you and Joe up in prayer, May God Bless You And Keep You.
Gary, I think the harmon has a very unique look and fits nicely. If you do not mind me asking, what did you use for the clay and what was the quencha...
Lin, the handle is very nice. I saw you showing the block to Mike Williams at the Piney Woods Hammer-In. You have been busy. If you do not mind me ...
Welcome, I am new to so just saying hello. Nice work on the knife and hamon. Anthony Griggs
[quote name='Ronald Cranker' date='12 September 2015 - 05:56 AM' timestamp='1442058970' post='14521'] Hello Mr. Griggs, welcome to the ABS and forum...
[quote name='Mike Williams' date='12 September 2015 - 04:42 AM' timestamp='1442054576' post='14520'] Anthony; Look me up at the Hammer-In and say...
[quote name='Lin Rhea' date='12 September 2015 - 04:39 AM' timestamp='1442054371' post='14519'] Welcome to the ABS forum Anthony. Were glad you're h...
[quote name='BrionTomberlin' date='11 September 2015 - 06:16 PM' timestamp='1442016978' post='14516'] Welcome Anthony. Good to have you in the ABS ...
[quote name='Chris Montgomery' date='11 September 2015 - 05:55 PM' timestamp='1442015740' post='14512'] Welcome Anthony. I am pretty knew around he...
Ed. I apologize for my suggestion. Tru-Grit was the first company that came to mind. But after seeing the pricing from the other listed companies, my ...
You might try Tru-Grit abrasives at trugrit.com. They seem reasonable.