Patrick Welcome to the ABS. I know you will enjoy your trip. Anthony Griggs
Graham Welcome to the ABS. I know you will love the school. I just returned from the Bill Moran School Of Bladesmithing, learned a lot. Have fun an...
Jerid Very nice work. Anthony Griggs
Mark All I can say is, STUNNING very nice. Anthony Griggs
Welcome Barry If you can go to a ABS school. I just returned from the Bill Moran School of Bladesmithing and it was great. Anthony Griggs
Kabe, I am relatively new to the ABS forum also. I hope I did not sound rude. With the experience of smiths like Ed Caffrey and a host of other...
Kabe, Go to the apprentice corner and read the thread "Where to Buy Forge Burners" by Evan Cihak. You can see Karl Andersen's forge and the blower ...
Hello Kabe Welcome to the ABS. I know you will enjoy the class in Washington AR. Anthony Griggs
Joshua That is a very neat setup. I have built all of my equipment, coal and propane forges, power hammer and Pid controlled heat treat oven, and h...
Hello Calvin And welcome. Anthony Griggs
Hello Guillermo Garcia Del monte You will enjoy all the wonderful members in this organization. They offer help and encouragement to any who ask...
Hello Chun And welcome to a great Forum. Anthony Griggs
Joshua, It is a factory fire pot as Lin suggested. Probably cast iron. That is usually what they are made of with a clinker breaker in the center. ...
Joshua, Since no one has really tried to answer your question, I will try. On some of the old forge tables they would line them with just ...