Joey Welcome, I do not think I have met anyone who has taken an Intro. class and did not totally enjoy it. I was enrolled in the Feb.- March, cl...
Lin Very nice, I love how you brought all the colors into play. Anthony Griggs
Nicholas Someone will be very happy having this. Anthony Griggs
Stuart Super super nice clean work. Anthony Griggs
Stuart Stunning work. Anthony Griggs
Noel It takes 8 to 12 hours for my heat treat oven to cool down enough, before it can be used for tempering. By doing a low temp. snap temper, typi...
Noel I forgot to mention, the heat treat oven will serve as a tempering oven as well. Just do a snap temper at say 325 degrees in the kitchen oven,...
Gary Very nice, and thanks. And a thanks to Ray as well. Anthony Griggs
Hello Noel, I have built a heat treat oven and used the parts from these two companies: for the heating elements and www.auberins...
Welcome Dan As you already know some very good people who are always willing to help. Anthony Griggs
Welcome william. The ABS is a wonderful group offering support that you cannot find anywhere else. I attended the Bill Moran ABS school in Wash...
Welcome Kenneth Sounds like your ready. You will love going to a school, and the Bill Moran school in Washington Arkansas not to far away. Enjoy...
Congratulations Matthew. On passing, How does it feel to breathe again. Anthony Griggs
Congratulations to all. I know I would be a nervous wreck waiting. Anthony Griggs
Jim Nice work. I'am sure the owner will be proud of it. Anthony Griggs