We just received this email today from Dereck Glaser at the New England School of Metalwork in Auburn, Maine. Hello All Metalsmithing Fans, ...
Journeyman Smith Zack Jonas was able to make contact today with Sarah who is Rob Hudson's girlfriend and sent me a detailed email about Rob's conditio...
We just received the Schedule for the Fall Great Smoky Mountain Bladesmith Symposium: Click to download the schedule: FGSM SCHEDULE 2012 final...
The physical address of the shop tour at Mike Miller's is: 910146 S. 3500 Road Chandler, OK. 74834
Thank you Mike. I am really looking forward to your demonstration. I always learn a a great deal from you and appreciate your sharing of knowledge. ...
Lin Rhea just took these photos with his IPhone and emailed it to me of ABS Chairman Jim Batson demonstrating Heat Treating techniques today at the Fa...
Bill Wiggins just took these photos with his IPhone and emailed them to me of this Sunday morning's events and activity at the Fall Piney Woods Hammer...
Houston: Welcome to the ABS Forum! This is a great place to find information.
Brian I just received my copy of Knives Illustrated. When I came in from the shop Sally had it layed out on the kitchen table turned to the art...
I just completed this video for the ABS YouTube Channel of Ben's JS Performance Test. [media/p>