Welcome Dwayne to the ABS Forum and the American Bladesmith Society! As you can see there is a lot of information on the ABS Forum and many experi...
Thank you Brion for not only sharing your expertise in this well written Work in Progress but also for building and donating your outstanding work to ...
Outstanding work Brion! Thanks for taking the additional time and effort to do a Work in Progress for everyone to learn techniques from.
Zack The new shop looks great with plenty of extra room!
Clip Grinding Jig and Demonstration Video - ABS YouTube Channel I just edited and uploaded a video of Master Smith Daniel Warren demonstrating ...
You can view photos of some of the outstanding work by our ABS members that will be on the tables at the February 16-17, 2013 show at the Robinson Cen...
There was a television interview with Steve Wildman Wilson on Channel 11 about the upcoming Arkansas Custom Knife Show on Arkansas Channel 11. To vie...
Arkansas TV Channel 11
This is the article in the "Arkansas Outdoors Weekly Newsletter".
Joshua As soon as I saw Jonathan's post I sent him an email about all of the individuals and organizations to contact about scholarships along wi...
Robert You need to contact Vicki McCorkle at Texarkana College at 903-823-3015 or email [email protected] I assume that y...
I took a Slip Joint Folding Knife class at Haywood Community College, Clyde, North Carolina in December 2012 from Master Smith and instructor Steve Du...
For the final step in sharpening a knife, I use a leather strop that I made out of 3/4" thick and 5" wide x 12'' long red oak with an ample tapered ha...