Eric Welcome to the American Bladesmith Society and the ABS Forum. Please join in our discussions and ask questions.
Keith Great job! Congratulations!
There will be an ABS Awards Ceremony on Friday, May 31, 2013 immediately after the Blade Show closes for the day from 7 to 8pm in Room# 103 of the Gal...
This is a video of Master Smith Bob Kramer demonstrating and describing the techniques for how to use a steel to sharpen a knife. [media/p>
Lin: I know that our members are interested and I always do my best to keep them updated with current information so that they have a better ide...
As of today, May 1st, I have 2 Master Smith Candidates and 18 Journeyman Smith Candidates for the 2013 Atlanta Blade Show.
Bob Welcome to the American Bladesmith Society and the ABS Forum. Please join in our discussions and ask questions which I know will be answered ...
Steve This is very impressive and outstanding work!