Blade Magazine Editor and Honorary ABS Member Steve Shackleford posted an article today on the Blade Magazine Website about our new school in Belgium....
Chris On behalf of the ABS Board of Directors and our Website Team I want to welcome you to the American Bladesmith Society and the ABS Forum. ...
Zack You have now heard from and received advice from three of the best. Good luck in your quest for the Master Smith stamp. The photo bel...
Cal Welcome to the American Bladesmith Society and the ABS Forum! I am constantly amazed by the talented and diverse backgrounds of our membe...
Zack: I have drafted several liability waivers for different ABS activities and events since I have been on the Board of Directors. My experienc...
Yes. Mace Vitale continues as the ABS Coordinator for the New England Hammer-In.
Zack I am on the Board of Directors and I can confirm that at the January 2013 board meeting in San Antonio there was a vote to eliminate cutting...
John Welcome to the ABS Forum and congratulations again on your Journeyman Smith rating earned at the Blade Show in Atlanta.
Gabe Sally checked the ABS Membership records and sent you this email today: Gabe, You are eligible to test in San Antonio in January...
Gabe I am the one to contact about JS and MS Testing and Judging. I will check your eligibility for you and send you an email. Have you att...