Joined: Dec 21, 2009
Topics: 587 / Replies: 1412
5Th Annual Youth Hammer In

ABS Board Member Mark Zalesky sent me this link today to some high resolution photos of the 2013 ABS Youth Hammer-In... just follow the link to Drop B...

12 years ago
The Closest Mastersmith

Jared This is the link to the information on the Heartland Hammer-In in Topeka, Kansas, click:br />

12 years ago
Video Suggestions For Abs Youtube Channel - Topic For July 2013

This is a YouTube video with advice on how to make a good video. There are some helpful tips and useful advice. [media/span>

12 years ago
The Closest Mastersmith

Jared Master Smith Michael Connor is one of the most talented Bladesmiths that we have ever had but he is not easy to contact and may not be very...

12 years ago
16 Year Old Bladesmith- New Here...

Joseph I am not sure what you mean by no "physical testing" for the Journeyman Smith rating. You need to go back and read everything that I post...

12 years ago
Sharing Grinder Motor And Vfd Sources

Ed Sally and I are thinking about you and hoping and praying that you have a full recovery. Thank care my friend!

12 years ago
Sharing Grinder Motor And Vfd Sources

Ed Glad to see that you are back home! That looks like a very powerful grinder that are building. I am looking forward to seeing it as y...

12 years ago
16 Year Old Bladesmith- New Here...

Joseph Welcome to the American Bladesmith Society and ABS Forum. Please feel free to ask questions and you will find our very knowlegeble and exp...

12 years ago
12 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 1735
Replies: 1
Views: 448
2013 Fall Piney Woods Hammer-In

Bob Yes! That is exactly what it is all about.

12 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 2176
Cocabola Hunter

Bob Nice work! I like the flow and the fit and finish looks good in the photo.

12 years ago
Replies: 17
Views: 5916
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