Brion This Work in Progress is a very useful teaching tool. Thank you for taking the time to show us. I know that it takes a lot of additional ti...
Well done Lin.
Thank you Kevin.
Lin Thank you! Sally will take care of it for you.
Thank you Phil! I saw your membership renewal as it came in tonight.
Thank you Mike! Sally and I want to wish a Merry Christmas from the heart of the Colorado Rockies to all of our members and their families.
Hans Welcome to the ABS Forum and thank you for your post about Japanese Swords. I located your YouTube video and posted it below. Thank you!...
This is a copy of the text from the CKCA email that Terry Vandeventer is referring to: (CKCA Email today) Total Ivory Ban Ivory Ban -...
Larry As soon as I saw the first post on this topic by Kyle Royer I started to do some research on this issue to get more of the facts. I locate...
Lin Thank you for referring Keith to me. After your reply post, Keith and I exchanged emails tonight and I have him on the list for Journeyman Smith...
In this video on the ABS YouTube Channel Master Smith Joe Keeslar describes his steps for designing and planning a forged blade project. [mediabr...
Ed I showed the photos to my wife Sally and she said: " Ohhhh! Just beautiful. I love the heart shape server and everything is just gorgeous&...
Darrell What software are you using to draw your knife projects?