Kevin It appears that the U.S. Fish and and Wildlife Service is in the process of drafting a series of administrative regulations that they will ...
Photos of Award Knives at the 11th American Bladesmith Society Exposition Congratulations to the following ABS members who earned awards for thei...
I saw the comments and questions by Larry and Dale and did some research. I located a press release by the U.S. Department of the Interior dated 2/11/...
This comment was posted today on our ABS YouTube Channel about the JS Performance Test video of Neels van den Berg which was filmed in Belfast, South,...
Buddy Thank you! Well done as always!
I am attaching some photos from last year's Southern Alberta Hammer-In:
Brion Simply outstanding work!
Looks great Karl!
Brion Outstanding work and some great tips on techniques and tools.
YouTube video - Historic Arkansas Museum "Bowie Knife Exhibit" [media/span> More YouTube video: [media
I just received the list of demonstrators, schedule, and event flyer for the March 7 - 9, 2014 Spring Great Smoky Mountain Hammer-In and have attached...