Chris Welcome to the American Bladesmith Society and the ABS Forum. Our mission is education and you will find that this is the place to ask ques...
Well done Ed! Thank you for taking the time to share.
Lin I just sent an email to ABS Chairman Joe Keeslar about your inquiry and copied you. Joe is giving a presentation on the ABS Youth program at ...
[left]Nick generously agreed to allow us to upload his videos on How to Make Domed and Polished Handle Pins to the ABS YouTube Channel. I combined the...
Derrick Sally and I want to thank you for your very kind comments. We raise a glass to you as well and look forward to seeing you at a future eve...
Allen Sally and I thank you.
Phil As far as I know the Intro to Bladesmithing Class is still set for 6/16 - 6/27 with Master Smith Mike Williams. If inte...
Nick Thank you for the videos! Here they are: [media][/media] [media][/media] [mediabr />
Bo You made a good decision. I purchased the same anvil from Steve Kane at Bladesmith's Depot many years ago and it has served me well. Now, ...
and a list of recommended hotels in the area. Of course to the student, this information would be just as valuable coming directly from the ABS as fro...
Thank you Lin! Your tutorial is outstanding.