Brad Welcome to the American Bladesmith Society and the ABS Forum. I like your description of the ABS - " the information sharing culture of th...
Well done Lin! This is a great tutorial on forging a guard.
Karl and Ed I can certainly identify with the "Time" issue.
Happy New Year, Steve! This is a timely topic and we can all learn a lot from it. *Note* For a more detailed and through discussion of...
This is indeed very sad news. I remember Jim Bevan from all of his work at our Heartland Hammer-Ins every year in Topeka, Kansas. Jim was always worki...
Great video Ed! Thank you for filming and posting.
Great stories Steve!
This is the obituary and memorial service arrangements for C. Houston Price. Charles Houston Price December 29, 2014 CHARLES HOUST...
Gary That is a great tip for making this style guard. Thank you!
(Note from Kevin and Heather Harvey) Hi We have uploaded an album of photos from our ABS course onto Photobucket. Here is the link Enjoy...