George welcome to the American Bladesmith Society and the ABS Forum. It sounds like you have seen the ABS' s mission of education first hand. Please p...
Master Smith JR Cook has finalized the school schedule for 2012. You can always check the ABS Website for the latest school information. Co...
I have learned the names of the demonstrators for the 2012 Spring and Fall Piney Woods Hammer-Ins from Master Smith JR Cook. The Spring Piney Woo...
James Welcome to the ABS Forum! You have the spirit of the mission of the ABS and the ABS Forum correct. As Master Smith Joe Keeslar always ...
I am looking forward to the 2012 Heartland Bladesmithing Symposium and noticed the very well equipped machine shop at Washburn Technical Institute. I ...
I really enjoyed this year's Hammer-In and I wanted everyone to know that next year's Heartland is set for October 6 and 7th. Please mark your calenda...
Dan Welcome back to the ABS! Enjoy the ABS Forum and let me know if we can assist you in any way.
Dana You are asking good questions. This is why we have the ABS Forum available for our members. I appreciate our more experienced members taking...
I prepared a handout for the participants that attended my presentation on the "Hand Finished Blade" at the 1st New England Hammer-In at the New Engla...