George: Haywood CC is a great facility and the Hammer-In in March has an outstanding line-up of demonstrators. Just approach any of the demonstra...
Jason Welcome to the American Bladesmith Society today and the ABS Forum. Thank you for your advice. I will have to try it.
Thanks Brian: Everyone should remember that we have a Search Box at the top right area of the ABS Forum which can be very helpful. There is a lot...
Brian I scanned the photo of the Moran Bowie Camp Knife illustrated on page 117 of the "Master of the Forge" book for everyone.
As I posted earlier, I know that some of our ABS members have a lot of experience and expertise with power hammers and most of our members are in the ...
Steve: Good selection for Topic of the Month! As you said we have had a lot recent discussion about power hammers on the ABS Forum. Thi...
I just stopped by Panhandle Leather in Amarillo, Texas on the way home from the ABS Exposition in San Antonio. They have a great selection of quality ...
Lin We did not have any candidates for the Master Smith rating in San Antonio.
Ed Haywood Community College is an outstanding facility in the mountains of North Carloina. I have a link on the ABS Website that lists the accom...