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A New Bowie Project

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Joshua States
Posts: 1157
Topic starter

I finally put this together and domed the pins. Now to make the sheath.

A question for those of you who work with ivory regularly. I have never put any sort of sealer or finish on ivory. Does anyone, and if you do, what do you use?

Joshua States

Also on Instagram and Facebook as J.States Bladesmith

“So I'm lightin' out for the territory, ahead of the scared and the weak and the mean spirited, because Aunt Sally is fixin’ to adopt me and civilize me, and I can't stand it. I've been there before.”

Posted : 24/02/2021 9:57 pm
Adam Bon
Posts: 10

Can't help with the ivory question, but just wanted to comment on how beautifully that turned out!

Posted : 25/02/2021 1:25 pm
Joshua States
Posts: 1157
Topic starter

Thank you Adam

Joshua States

Also on Instagram and Facebook as J.States Bladesmith

“So I'm lightin' out for the territory, ahead of the scared and the weak and the mean spirited, because Aunt Sally is fixin’ to adopt me and civilize me, and I can't stand it. I've been there before.”

Posted : 25/02/2021 7:58 pm
Posts: 1675

Turned out great Joshua, and thank you for posting your work in progress. As for a finish on the ivory, I usually just take it up to 2000 and then a polishing with a white scotchbrite pad. Then just use a good paste wax. I do tell the new owner that every six months or so they might want to give it a coat of mineral oil and let it soak in overnight to restore some moisture and keep it from drying out.


Brion Tomberlin

Anvil Top Custom Knives

ABS Mastersmith

Posted : 25/02/2021 9:20 pm
Joshua States
Posts: 1157
Topic starter

Thank you for the treatment suggestion Brion. I'll have to store that in my ever-fading memory bank for future reference. Hopefully, I can retain it!

It's a little late for going to 2000 grit sanding. I stopped at 800 and went for a pink buff. I will apply some wax and include the oil suggestion with the use and care instructions for the new owner.

Joshua States

Also on Instagram and Facebook as J.States Bladesmith

“So I'm lightin' out for the territory, ahead of the scared and the weak and the mean spirited, because Aunt Sally is fixin’ to adopt me and civilize me, and I can't stand it. I've been there before.”

Posted : 26/02/2021 1:12 pm
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