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[Sticky] Wip... Building A Serious Welding Forge

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Ed Caffrey
Posts: 754
Prominent Member Master Bladesmith
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I have deleted the existing thread on the WIP/Welding Forge. Since Photobucket pulled their stunt of charging $50 a month for hosting, most of the pics in the thread were not recoverable. I recently placed all the WIP information on our blog page. Hopefully it will be safe there from further disruption.

You can find all the information on the latest Welding Forge I've built at the following link. Just scroll down the page and you will find all the installments/steps in building this forge.

Ed Caffrey, ABS MS
"The Montana Bladesmith"

Posted : 08/02/2018 9:52 am
Posts: 36

Do you still get a nice flame swirl with that more oval shaped vertical forge as opposed the the classic round vertical forge?


Posted : 09/02/2018 6:13 pm
Ed Caffrey
Posts: 754
Prominent Member Master Bladesmith
Topic starter

Yes. The "swirl" is very obvious when the forge is running. Probably the biggest down side the this particular forge is the "warm up" time..... It has nearly 300lbs of castable in it. To get it to 2350F takes approx. and hour. On the up side, once it gets to temp, I have to keep turning it down....otherwise it just keeps climbing. <img src=' f' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

Ed Caffrey, ABS MS
"The Montana Bladesmith"

Posted : 10/02/2018 8:52 am
Ed Caffrey
Posts: 754
Prominent Member Master Bladesmith
Topic starter

Just wanted to update the link to this information.  Since the first post, the information has moved a couple of times.  You can now find it here:

 It's a little backwards in the blog.....the first part is on the above page, and then if you follow the pages downward (as in 3, 2 ,1, you will find the entirety of the information.    Hope that helps someone!

Ed Caffrey, ABS MS
"The Montana Bladesmith"

Posted : 14/06/2023 5:44 pm
Posts: 214
Reputable Member Apprentice Bladesmith

Ed Caffrey Great website, a ton of information.  Thank you for sharing.

Bob Bryenton
Solar Storm Group Ltd.
Phone: (780) 953-0016
Email: [email protected]

“The only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond them into the impossible" -- Arthur C. Clarke

Posted : 16/06/2023 8:30 am
Posts: 2
New Member Apprentice Bladesmith (5yr)

Hello Mr Caffrey. I purchased your plans a few years back and laid it horizontal. I have the back tightly blocked off with brick and have been using 2 sliding bricks in the front that i never have fully blocking. Im wanting to build a swinging door and my question since it has the blower, do i need to have a gap on the front door or can it be as tightly closed as the back door. I love the forge btw leaps and bounds better than my old atmospheric one.

Posted : 24/09/2023 10:08 am
Posts: 45
Trusted Member Apprentice Bladesmith (5yr)

Hey Anthony, I'd like to see your forge if you wouldn't mind posting pics. 

Karl Andersen posted a video of a handsome horizontal he built that I've added to my project list.   I believe it has sliding brick in the front and back but it's been a few years since I watched them.

I love my vertical forge.  It prefers to breathe and doesn't like to be too sealed up. 

Posted : 25/09/2023 1:41 pm
Ed Caffrey
Posts: 754
Prominent Member Master Bladesmith
Topic starter

Hey Anthony!   

  You can view any gas/propane forge as nothing more than a controlled explosion...literally, and it's never a good idea to tightly enclose one.   In order for them to operate correctly (in other words as you'd expect/like it to) a gas forge needs to "breath" as Matt stated.   

Ed Caffrey, ABS MS
"The Montana Bladesmith"

Posted : 26/09/2023 8:33 am
Posts: 2
New Member Apprentice Bladesmith (5yr)

Thanks guys. I figured it wasnt a good idea. I have 2 sliding bricks on the front that never fully close it off. I dont like the way I put the ledge on for them to slide and I am going to fix it, that is why I asked. Tomorrow I will take some pics. Its a 12in well casing with 3 inches of casted refractory and a 6in hole in the middle, and the forced air coming in on the side. Its Eds design just flipped on the side.

Posted : 27/09/2023 9:57 pm