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Kool Mist Systems

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Posts: 123
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Hi All,

Hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season. Ready for the new year?

I've been hearing sporadic mention of Kool Mist cooling systems, and I'm wondering if any of you can give me any better description of their operation and/or a review of the system and how well it "plays" with blade grinding.

I was talking with Travis Wuertz the other day, and he mentioned his Kool Mist in a way that seemed to imply "of course everyone has one for blade grinding," and it got me wondering. I've never used one--when I grind, I have a bucket of water within reach, and I periodically cool my work piece off that way.

Does a Kool Mist eliminate the need to do that?

Does the coolant end up gunking up the grinder or work space with clumps of soggy abrasive?

Does use of the coolant require any additional safety equipment (sealed eye protection, for instance, vs. just normal safety glasses)?

I'm assuming that the system relies on a compressor to pump the coolant?

Anyway, I obviously don't know much about them, and unfortunately the Kool Mist website seems to take it for granted that you're already pretty familiar with the product. So, any information would be useful.



Zack Jonas

Journeyman Smith

Posted : 28/12/2012 7:06 am
Posts: 1675

Zack I have heard of them, but do not have one. I also have a dunk tank right next to the grinder. Have to wait and see what others have to say. I can see some problems with some of the belts we use and a water or lubricant on them. I am also curious about it.


Brion Tomberlin

Anvil Top Custom Knives

ABS Mastersmith

Posted : 28/12/2012 11:28 am
Posts: 16


Remember the milling machine discussion? I have several Kool Mist units in the shop. I used them for milling 316L stainless for yacht fabrications. I found the mist to be somewhat hard to breathe, almost toxic. It is a solution mix in a tank using compressed air to run a needle nozzle directed at what you are milling or grinding. I also found that for continued use it coated the machine surfaces with a gummy film.

I have never used it for grinding but it may mess with belt life if you're not using wet or dry belts. I hope that helps. Call me in Maine if you have more questions.

Al Boardman

Posted : 30/12/2012 2:46 pm
Posts: 209
Estimable Member Journeyman Bladesmith (5yr)


The Kool Mist is supposed to be able to dissapate heat in machining operations significantly more than traditional flood cooling. The system uses compressed air to draw fluid out of a tank and spray a fluid/air mist onto the work as Al stated.

There are some concerns with atomizing anything and spraying it in your shop-- Kool Mist MSDS. You could use just straight water with a spray mist nozzel.

Some time ago someone was experimenting with using a small fountain pump to trickle water onto the belt while grinding which is another way to get away from the tank.

It should be easy enough to set something up and experiment with.


Posted : 01/01/2013 8:37 pm