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Roman pugio

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Kiril Mitrashkov
Posts: 63
Trusted Member Apprentice Bladesmith
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I have a friend, who is in a reenactment group. As I like to tease them, in the day they are dressing like romans, in the night they are making roman orgies. They are the Legio I Italica and are stationed in a nearby town, where a couple of thousand years ago there was a Roman city - Nove. It is really cool and my boys love them - when they are having a show, the guys are dressed in roman clothes, with loricas, helmets, scutums, gladii, etc. They are training, making different formations, fighting barbarians for the glory of Rome. Meanwhile the matronas are dancing, singing and keeping the household. My boys' favourite part is when they make testudo and let the kids klimb the shealds and jump on them. 

I work with some of these guys and one of them - Doncho, is a really close friend of mine. One day I was in the forge when Doncho came as an emisary of the legion's legate. He wanted me to make them some pilum heads - an easy job. Than we had a beer and talked about the equipment of the roman legionnaire - helmet, lorica (segmentata or hamat), scutum, gladius and pilum. We talked that the roman legionnairies from the western and the northern legions had an additional dagger - pugio and than Doncho said "Can you make me one - a simple dagger, with simple wooden handle". "DUDE! Hold my beer! You are in the Forge! We don't do simple things here!"

And there it begun - I found and I A.D. pugio and made a drawing - 210mm blade, 120mm handle, 5mm thick. Than laminated some HVG (O1) with nickel and St3 on the sides. For the handle and sheath I chose ebony.

On the file is the old pugio.

I am not lazy, I am on energy saving mode!

Posted : 17/08/2024 12:00 am
Kiril Mitrashkov
Posts: 63
Trusted Member Apprentice Bladesmith
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Here is the drawing with some dimensions:

I am not lazy, I am on energy saving mode!

Posted : 17/08/2024 12:02 am
Kiril Mitrashkov
Posts: 63
Trusted Member Apprentice Bladesmith
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And some WIPs

I am not lazy, I am on energy saving mode!

Posted : 17/08/2024 12:03 am
Kiril Mitrashkov
Posts: 63
Trusted Member Apprentice Bladesmith
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I am not lazy, I am on energy saving mode!

Posted : 17/08/2024 12:03 am
Kiril Mitrashkov
Posts: 63
Trusted Member Apprentice Bladesmith
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The tip

I am not lazy, I am on energy saving mode!

Posted : 17/08/2024 12:04 am
Kiril Mitrashkov
Posts: 63
Trusted Member Apprentice Bladesmith
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Etched. I chose St3 for the sides, because it is low on everything and gives a greyish colour when etched. It is a great contrast of the dark HVG (O1) in the middle. 

I am not lazy, I am on energy saving mode!

Posted : 17/08/2024 12:05 am
Kiril Mitrashkov
Posts: 63
Trusted Member Apprentice Bladesmith
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And finally:

I am not lazy, I am on energy saving mode!

Posted : 17/08/2024 12:06 am
Kiril Mitrashkov
Posts: 63
Trusted Member Apprentice Bladesmith
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Sheathed. Monday it goes to the jeweler for some bras (or silver) inlays and fittings.

I am not lazy, I am on energy saving mode!

Posted : 17/08/2024 12:07 am
Kiril Mitrashkov
Posts: 63
Trusted Member Apprentice Bladesmith
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Couldn't upload the last iage.

I am not lazy, I am on energy saving mode!

Posted : 17/08/2024 12:08 am
Karl B Andersen
Posts: 118
Estimable Member Journeyman Bladesmith Forum Moderator

Outstanding. The entire legion will be at your door - when the orgy is over.

Posted : 17/08/2024 7:21 am
Kiril Mitrashkov
Posts: 63
Trusted Member Apprentice Bladesmith
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Posted by: Karl B Andersen

Outstanding. The entire legion will be at your door - when the orgy is over.

Not always a good news when Rome is knocking at your door...

Luckily I forged some fibulas for the legionaries and some hair pins for the matronas. And some pilum heads. This should keep them happy for some time. 😀

If not - I will unleash the barbarian hordes!

I am not lazy, I am on energy saving mode!

Posted : 17/08/2024 12:22 pm
Joshua C States
Posts: 379
Reputable Member Journeyman Bladesmith (5yr)

Very well done. I especially like the metal combination.

“So I'm lightin' out for the territory, ahead of the scared and the weak and the mean spirited, because Aunt Sally is fixin’ to adopt me and civilize me, and I can't stand it. I've been there before.”

Posted : 18/08/2024 8:32 pm
Michael Samdahl
Posts: 110
Estimable Member Apprentice Bladesmith

Kiril Mitrashkov,

That is a beautiful piece. 


Posted : 21/08/2024 10:54 am
Kiril Mitrashkov
Posts: 63
Trusted Member Apprentice Bladesmith
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Thanks, guys! Really appreciate it! 

Last monday I took the pugio to the jeweler and now we are waiting for the fittings. I requested the simplest thing - two bass strips perpendicular to the blade with rings on the sides for the straps.

And now my watch begins... 😀 

I am not lazy, I am on energy saving mode!

Posted : 24/08/2024 1:17 am
Kiril Mitrashkov
Posts: 63
Trusted Member Apprentice Bladesmith
Topic starter

Posted by: Joshua C States

Very well done. I especially like the metal combination.

Thank you, Joshua! The HVG (O1) was chosen because it is a tough, durable and idiot resistant steel. Plus, when etched, it gives a nice dark colour. The other steel - St3, has almost no carbon in it and is as simple as possible, but when etched it is light grey and contrasts to the core steel. The wood for the handle and sheath was chosen because of the looks too. This is ebony, but it is cut from the part right between the light and the dark part. The plank was about to be thrown in the fire when I saw it and it matches the blade perfect. The blade steels and wood combination is more looks than function, but we all agree it looks great. Will add more and better photos when the fittings are done and the knife is finished.

I am not lazy, I am on energy saving mode!

Posted : 24/08/2024 1:24 am