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Dogbone Push Dagger

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Mark Bartlett
Posts: 25
Topic starter

I don't post much here. been working on mastering the image resize. hopefully I got it right. This is my take on John White's Dogbone Push Dagger. It was done for one of my old squad leaders in memory of one of our guys that was lost as the result of gang violence last year. He was doing the right thing, but the wrong people were there. The blade was hand forged, no power hammer, no press, from a 1.25" ball bearing that came from the axle of a junk 5Ton at the Army Cannibalization Point at Rhein Ordnance Barracks in Germany back in the late 90's. This was my "military bearing" that i often carried in my pocket as a joke. The blade and frame are both hot blued 52100 with ebony scales. Everything else is stainless. In John White's post on Bladeforums, he mentioned that he had never heard of a dogbone push dagger, but that his should be the classic example to start the line. I don't know if another has ever been made until now. My tribute to one of the ABS's great legends.

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Posted : 06/08/2016 2:26 pm
Posts: 307

That's fantastic. And I'm sure the recipient will certainly appreciate it. Very nice work and tribute. Thanks for sharing it.


Jeremy Lindley, Apprentice Smith

Posted : 06/08/2016 4:03 pm
Posts: 1675

Excellent work Mark! Classy and classic. John would have loved it as do I.


Brion Tomberlin

Anvil Top Custom Knives

ABS Mastersmith

Posted : 06/08/2016 6:31 pm
Posts: 0
New Member Guest

Very nicely done Mark. I am sure John would have enjoyed seeing this one, I know I do.


Posted : 06/08/2016 10:20 pm
Posts: 524
Honorable Member Journeyman Bladesmith (5yr)


Neatly done.


Posted : 06/08/2016 10:27 pm
Posts: 135

Beautiful dagger Mr. Bartlett!

Posted : 07/08/2016 6:18 pm
Joshua States
Posts: 1157

That's a fine piece of work there Mark. I truly appreciate the memorial knife for a fallen comrade. I make memorial/tribute knives for fallen Mountain Rescue Association members. I have 5 such tribute knives out there. It's a great way to give something to the family or friends of those who have served, paid the ultimate, and passed. I applaud you. Beautifully done.

Joshua States

Also on Instagram and Facebook as J.States Bladesmith

“So I'm lightin' out for the territory, ahead of the scared and the weak and the mean spirited, because Aunt Sally is fixin’ to adopt me and civilize me, and I can't stand it. I've been there before.”

Posted : 07/08/2016 11:19 pm