This was a weird year for me feels like I made a lot of work, but looking back not a lot stands out. I didn't finish any really big projects this year that might be a part of it.
I did get a few pieces finished I am excited by I finished out my demo piece from my pictoral mosaic demo at the 2023 Ashoken conference. got a custom order finished with inlaid handle and "lightening bolt pattern blade" (that one gave me a tough time figuring out) I won my second Bill moran award with a small bowie, and i managed to take Grace Hornes scissor class at NESM the photo is of the first pair I made on my own in my shop
It's always weird looking back at the end of the's crazy how different we can feel about projects while we're working on them, or right after we finish them or months later looking back.
I always love looking at your work though Matt!!! That lightning bolt blade is awesome and the scissors class had to be a blast! But Ashokan Sunset gets me every time I see it...that might be my favorite knife from all the knives I've seen in 2024!!!
Happy New Year Matt!!! Hopefully I can make a trip down to see you guys and check out the shop this year!
you are welcome any time Rob!!
I had a pretty tough year last year. We were moving out of state and had the shop all packed up by the end of May. So, I went 7 months without a shop to work in. Here are the three best pieces I finished in 2024.
A Nakiri in 1095 with Hamon.
A K-Tip Chef, also in 1095 with hamon.
And a push dagger I started in the latter half of 2023 and finished in early 2024.
This was a frame handle build.
“So I'm lightin' out for the territory, ahead of the scared and the weak and the mean spirited, because Aunt Sally is fixin’ to adopt me and civilize me, and I can't stand it. I've been there before.”
I don’t make many pieces a year. Here are 2 that I managed last year. Challenges for me.
This is a Main Gouche in Damascus, oosik, nickel silver fittings and silver wire.
This is a bell dirk out of bloomery.
blackwood, nickel silver and silver.
I don't know if I'd want to try to pick a "best" knife. It's difficult to choose between a Damascus Fighter and a lock-back folder.
So, "some" of the best might be as follows:
A Laddered Ws Fighter:
A West Texas Wind full tang Bowie:
Or maybe a San-Mai "Long Hunter":
To be honest, I like making carry knives that get used. There are certainly more "fancy" knives, but something flips my skirt knowing a knife will get used.
Here's a couple 80CrV belt knives:
I also made a bunch of integrals - large and small:
So I'll leave to everyone here to choose the BEST.
Happy 2025!
My best is definately Medussa's Revenge. The customer started off by asking for something Greek and I am a big fan of Jason and Medussa. What can you do for a sword?
Youtube Playlist of making this one.
Bob Bryenton
Solar Storm Group Ltd.
Phone: (780) 953-0016
Email: [email protected]
“The only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond them into the impossible" -- Arthur C. Clarke
Matthew Parkinson, Congratulations on the award Sir!
Joshua C States, maybe its just my computer but only on of your photos showed up.
Karl B Andersen, That is a heap of blades you cranked out. That's incredible. Were any of those for MS qualification?
Wendell Bryenton, that's still my favorite blade you have made so far. I wish I could have made it up to seen it in person!