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Apprentice Forrest Cashmark's First Knife At Age 16

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Sue Cashmark sent in some photos of her son ABS Apprentice Smith Forrest Cashmark's first knives at age 16.

Dan Cassidy
Journeyman Smith
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Posted : 14/04/2010 9:39 pm
Rick Baum
Posts: 148

From what I can tell Forrest has some serious forging and grinding talent. Keep at it! I'd love to see the knives when they are complete. Maybe you can post more pictures as they progress?

On another note... Where's your eye, ear and lung protection? Read Ed Caffrey's thread on shop safety... Be careful, you're in the "bullet proof" years of your life... at least that's what I thought when I was your age 30 years ago. I've learned different since then.

Take care!


Posted : 23/04/2010 4:59 pm
Posts: 0
New Member Guest

From what I can tell Forrest has some serious forging and grinding talent. Keep at it! I'd love to see the knives when they are complete. Maybe you can post more pictures as they progress?

On another note... Where's your eye, ear and lung protection? Read Ed Caffrey's thread on shop safety... Be careful, you're in the "bullet proof" years of your life... at least that's what I thought when I was your age 30 years ago. I've learned different since then.

I wholeheartedly agree on both points! Looks like he might have a good teacher too.

FYI, it doesn't look like either Forest or Sue Cashmark are members of this forum. I wonder if they're seeing these comments? It would be great if the comments could get back to them, particularly the imminently important safety ones!!!

Posted : 24/04/2010 12:11 am