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Branden Rapp
Posts: 10
Eminent Member Apprentice Bladesmith
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Hand forged KA-BAR from 1095. The guard and pommel are mild steel that has been blued with BC Super Blue. The blade was etched in ferric chloride 1:4 mixture and then darkened in coffee. Quenched in warm canola oil. I use a crock pot for heating my oil. (I do need to get a bigger quench tank for these larger blades.) It's hardened all the way through though it may be hard to tell from the picture. The darkest line stops about 3/4 of the way up the blade but there is a little bit lighter line above it that is still hard. The entire edge skated a file. I did several hardness checks post-quench just to be sure. Again after knocking all the scale off to make sure the file wasn't just skating across scale. Has a traditional stacked leather handle.

Posted : 02/09/2021 9:51 am