Clear all New Platform To Learn Knifemaking/bladesmithing

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Ed Caffrey
Posts: 754
Prominent Member Master Bladesmith
Topic starter

Exciting news! For years I have been keeping notes, in hopes of someday writing/producing a book about knifemaking. Not long ago that Conjunction with Legacy Studio Productions, I am proud to announce the start of a new era..... KNIFEMAKERTRAINING.COM

We are just in the beginning stages, but the intent is to offer a full scope of knifemaker training videos, some free, some paid, and even some full length features that can either be downloaded, or purchased on DVD or USB stick. We will also be updating/reproducing my Basic Bladesmithing, Basic Damascus, and Mosaic Damascus Videos as time allows. I also intend to add more subject specific full length videos on specific Mosaic Damascus patterns as well as specific task oriented videos such as grinding, guards, handles, and every other aspect of knifemaking...... your input is always welcome for video ideas!

The idea is to encompass as much information as I can relay, on how to produce custom knives. There are a number of resources, including a new website, where videos can be viewed, downlaod, or purchased a Facebook Page, where all the latest info will be hosted, and a Facebook Group, which will allow others to join the group, post questions, and make requests for video subjects,........ and who knows what else! This will be an ever evolving platform, where I hope to leave a legacy of knifemaking knowledge!

Feel free to contact me with ideas for videos you'd like to see. You can do that via the forums, through the Facebook pages, or via email. I'm just gona be the monkey in front of the camera.....I'm leaving all the "business stuff" up to Legacy Studios! <img src=' f' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />... right where it should be!<img src=' f' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />

Ed Caffrey, ABS MS
"The Montana Bladesmith"

Posted : 05/07/2017 8:40 am
Posts: 68

Very cool Ed. Two thumbs up!

Posted : 05/07/2017 1:17 pm
Posts: 197

Great I already have your Basic Bladesmithing DVD, keep us posted please Ed.

Posted : 05/07/2017 3:21 pm
Posts: 0
New Member Guest

Very nice Ed!!


Posted : 05/07/2017 11:44 pm
Posts: 69
Estimable Member Journeyman Bladesmith (5yr)

Great idea, Ed! congratulations, and in the name of all the appetice like me, Thanks!!

Posted : 06/07/2017 12:19 pm
Posts: 30
Eminent Member Apprentice Bladesmith (5yr)

Great to see that you have this up and running!

Posted : 07/07/2017 8:02 am
Ed Caffrey
Posts: 754
Prominent Member Master Bladesmith
Topic starter

Latest video should be up this weekend! Building and installing a "seamless" fit guard on hidden tang blades. I'm having a blast doing these videos! <img src=' f' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

Ed Caffrey, ABS MS
"The Montana Bladesmith"

Posted : 08/07/2017 8:34 am
Ed Caffrey
Posts: 754
Prominent Member Master Bladesmith
Topic starter

Tim and I filmed a couple more videos today. We did one on File Guides and their uses, and a second on Grain Growth and Grain refinement. Both should be up on in a day or two!

Ed Caffrey, ABS MS
"The Montana Bladesmith"

Posted : 17/07/2017 9:27 pm
Ed Caffrey
Posts: 754
Prominent Member Master Bladesmith
Topic starter

Tim and I have some more videos coming soon! Today we managed to get footage on Blade Design, Grinds/Geometry, Straightening bends/warps in blades, and PPE(Personal Protection Equipment)/Safety. Tim is hard at work editing as I write this, so keep an eye on for new videos coming soon!

Ed Caffrey, ABS MS
"The Montana Bladesmith"

Posted : 31/07/2017 3:35 pm