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Hello from Central California

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Posts: 6
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I've been wanting to get into bladesmithing for the past 10 years, and recently decided to go all in. I just joined the California Blacksmith Association to learn hammer control and the basics of blacksmithing. I've since purchased two anvils, one 165# ridgid model 9 peddinghaus that is scheduled for delivery on Tuesday (I was at work today and couldn't receive it), a premium package on a brodbeck 2x72 belt grinder, a rounding/flat hammer + cross pein hammer.


Working on getting some tongs right now, and building a nice table in the garage. I have also bought a 2 burner Hell's Forge. I will be selling this once I can get the Habanero which I am on the waitlist on with an estimated time of being ready in November.


Trying to keep my garage setup minimalist, and will likely be practicing hammering on 1080 steel and learning techniques. I won't be able to commit to join a course in person, so I would appreciate any online material or courses you can suggest to help flatten the learning curve as much as possible.


Posted : 25/08/2023 11:08 pm
Posts: 6
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Was trying to edit my post but didn't allow me to was going to add:

Hello, my name is Puneet and I'm from Central California. I've always been interested in antique swords and daggers, and was always intrigued by bladesmithing.


Posted : 25/08/2023 11:26 pm
Posts: 6
Topic starter

Thanks, that's very helpful. Will start there in my journey of learning and getting practice.


Posted : 29/08/2023 6:33 pm
Posts: 2
New Member Apprentice Bladesmith

Where in central cal? I am in Fresno. Joined a couple of months ago! Welcome!

Posted : 27/12/2023 11:59 am