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Blade Maintenance

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My last question for the week:

Blade Maintenance. I am noticing that my 5160 bowies are rusting WAY too fast. I heavily oil with WD-40, then put it in it's sheath, and go in the woods. 2 hours later, there are tiny, weeny signs of rust. If I leave it, after a day, it get's worse. This does not happen with my 1095 blades...could it be that my bowies (5160) have tight sheaths, vs. the hotdog, looser style I use for 1095 bushcraft knives?

Maybe Im just a perfectionist, but I can't stand seeing rust. Even a tiny bit. I gave a patina to the blade, and that seems to work well, but nothing is more flashy than a shiny blade!!

So how do I prevent rust? Is cold bluing an effective and durable method? How about different oils? Does leather absorb moisture, and stransfer to the blade, and how would I fix that?

thanks a lot guys!!


Posted : 02/10/2013 9:03 am
Matthew Parkinson
Posts: 561
Honorable Member Journeyman Bladesmith (5yr)

I have found little protection from wd40, try johnsons paste wax, I heat the blade carefully with a heat gun until all moisture is gone (about 200 degf) then apply then wipe off the excess as it cools. it also sounds like something in your sheaths is affecting the steel. In the past I have had issues with some glues causing rust as well as chrome tanned leather and some dyes.

Posted : 02/10/2013 9:21 am
Posts: 1675

Joseph I would look into what leather your sheaths are made of. Some leathers as Matthew says will rust a blade. I usually never store my knives in sheaths. They go into a zipper case except for use. I do use WD40 in the shop, but prefer Tru Oil or Rennaisance wax for long term.


Brion Tomberlin

Anvil Top Custom Knives

ABS Mastersmith

Posted : 02/10/2013 10:59 am