I want to create a Loveless Chute knife. I greatly admire the design and appearance.
I realize Bob Loveless did stock removal.
I want to forge as much as possible, (5160, 52100) and keep the full tang. I've read that the guard was fitted from the front of the blade. Because the end of the handle was too wide for the guard to fit.
I could obviously tweak the proportions in order to place the guard on from the handle, but I want to LEARN and want to try it the Loveless way.
I believe that solder was used to adhere the guard, preventing it from slipping forward. I don't know if pins were used as well? I'm thinking for using pins and JB-Weld if possible. Thoughts?
I've never done it this way before and would love some advice. Can anyone share some pictures, sketches, etc?
It's your knife - you build it your way.
If you are pinning the guard - which I would - then JB Weld would be an acceptable substitute for soldering.
I hope when you get it built you will share it here.
Thanks, I will post.