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Looking for Ideas for memorial blade

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Posts: 214
Reputable Member Apprentice Bladesmith
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I have a customer that wants me to make a chefs knife for his friend that is dying from cancer. He wants me to incorporate some burl wood from his friends land in the handle but also to add his friends initials and possibly the year 2023 to the handle so that when he passes the knife on to his daughter it will have his initials and the year he died.
My thought was to make a hybrid handle from the burl with some epoxy and put the initials and year under the epoxy. something like this, but make the epoxy very translucent. ( I do my own stabilizing and epoxy casting )
Does anyone have any other ideas?
this photo is for illustration only and was taken from DancingLionsBar on etsy

Bob Bryenton
Solar Storm Group Ltd.
Phone: (780) 953-0016
Email: [email protected]

“The only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond them into the impossible" -- Arthur C. Clarke

Posted : 23/11/2022 8:37 am