The VA has assigned my shop a "Training Facility Number"
And what does that mean? It means that I am eligible as a VA "Vocational Rehab" training center nationwide.
Further, it means that Veterans from across the country can now come to my shop for VA sponsored "Vocational Rehab" training. I'm not fully versed on all the requirements for each state, but it should make it easier for Vets to work with their local VA Rep(s), on coming to my shop for training as a knifemaker.
It's not that I can help the Vet with the Vocational Rehab process, but I can provide my facility number to your state VA Rep, which should make is possible, and hopefully easier to obtain VA sponsored training as a Knifemaker at my shop.
Ed Caffrey, ABS MS
"The Montana Bladesmith"
I think that is cool as can be.
This could go a long way - right?
Could other makers with MS status possibly receive the same certification as you did, Ed?
Vets from all over could be flocking to knife making instructors everywhere in a herd!
Just think of the far reaching possibilities of that - but I'll bet you already have.
Karl B. Andersen
Journeyman Smith
Ditto that Ed! We're proud of those guys and we're proud of you for stepping up.