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Making The Best Of It?

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Lin Rhea
Posts: 1563
Topic starter

We all are probably really feeling the pain from this pandemic. Can anything good come from it? I am fortunate to have a shop right out the back door of the house. I am so glad I spent the time making it as comfortable as I could possibly afford. But even so, It's up to me to make improvements on the equipment and on my skills. Help me think of ways to make it better.

Here are a few I think of:

Slow down and make each piece better

Learn a new embellishment but actually use it on a knife

Draw more and design more

Keep the shop cleaner, hang a picture, burn a scented candle <img src=' f' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />, etc.

One thing I am doing is adding a small shed to the back wall of the grinding room for the vacuum system. backup generator, and air compressor. I have the hookups in place so it's ready to hook em up. The material I need to actually buy(I have some on hand)cost me about $200 so I can justify the expense (and time) because the equipment will be in place and operating instead of taking up a bay in the barn. I had this shed and another larger one planned and poured the slab last Summer. Now it seems I have the time to get that done.

Also I accumulate a lot of metal and materials and scrap that take up space and is ugly. So to make it look better, I am going to order a dumpster and load all of the unnecessary junk into it and get rid of it. I've set a Summer goal keeping the expense down but gaining a lot in over all appearance of the place. Things like this can make Kay and I FEEL better while sticking to the place.

Lin Rhea, ABS Mastersmith

[email="[email protected]"]Email me[/email]

Posted : 06/04/2020 8:10 am
Ed Caffrey
Posts: 752
Prominent Member Master Bladesmith

I've been on "lockdown" for 3+ weeks now.... the Pulmonary Doc was pretty clear.... he told me that I had to "lay low" and "If you get this stuff, you likely will not see tomorrow!" So yeah.... I'm locked down. Cindy is working from home, and bless her heart, when she does go out for anything, she comes into the house, goes straight to the shower, and her clothes go in the washer before she ever says "Hi". <img src=' f' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

I've been using my "good days" to work on some damascus hammers. I've had several folks email and ask if I planned on making any more.... and I guess now is the time for it. What do ya wanna bet....I'll get a couple done, and they will hang around here forever.

I accumulate a lot of metal and materials and scrap that take up space and is ugly.

OH BOY! Is that ever me!!! <img src=' f' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' /> My biggest problem with the meds they have me they make me jittery, and it's difficult to stay on task. I catch myself being distracted, and jumping from one thing to the next, without ever finishing the previous task. I did however, make myself clean up that pile of "stuff" around my big bandsaw.... lots of 3/4-1" thick material for press dies, and lots of little chunks here and there. It's surprising just how you can add square footage to your shop by picking that stuff up! <img src=' f' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

Overall, this having to stay home hasn't bothered me much....because that's how it normally is for me anyway.... the dogs and I spending the days in the shops. About the only thing that I've had to fight is that urg to jump in the truck and go to Ace Hardware.....a place that I spend more time shooting the breeze with everyone who works there, than I ever do buying anything. <img src=' f' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

Ed Caffrey, ABS MS
"The Montana Bladesmith"

Posted : 06/04/2020 8:24 am
Matthew Parkinson
Posts: 556
Honorable Member Journeyman Bladesmith (5yr)

I have been running through some orders I had, and finishing up some knives I had on the bench for some time. I have some knives to make for the damasteel invitational, the physical show was canceled but they have moved it online.

My business partner and have been alternating days in the shop to isolate. on off days I've set up a small space in the basement to work, it is a struggle, so many times get to a point and think oh I'll just go hit this spot on the grinder... that is 30 miles away,, or I'll just saw off this extra wood on the bandsaw.. 30 miles away.. I am not used to working with no one else around, one thing i was doing to help feel less isolated was live streaming when I was working, it isnt the same as being in the shop with others but it helps to feel less isolated for sure. I had a bunch of people reach out to me privately and tell me how much they appreciated it so i think that may be something i continue on with, at least a few times a week..

I was in the shop on Friday and fit up a bolster and handle block on a chef. It took me all of an hour from squaring up the shoulders to fitting the block, I suddenly realized how spoiled I am, I had used $12k in equipment in that hour. I miss being in the shop everyday.

I have been doing some writing, as that helps me get my head straight, doing more cooking, oddly eating less, and spending the time with my family, that might be the best of this for me, spending more time with my wife and son having the time to go for a hike in the wood across the street, or to spend building stuff in the basement with him.


Posted : 06/04/2020 11:07 am
Karl B. Andersen
Posts: 1067

I'm working on photography and leather.

Karl B. Andersen

Journeyman Smith

Posted : 06/04/2020 11:37 am
Lin Rhea
Posts: 1563
Topic starter

Karl, I know you would like a vanilla scented candle.

Matthew and Ed, I think what I see from this is that you as well as I am spending more time refocusing on important things. Yes, it's a shame that this faster paced world has pulled us away from that and that a pandemic is what it takes to get back some of what we had 30-40 years ago. I appreciate all of you and the struggles I know you are going through.

Lin Rhea, ABS Mastersmith

[email="[email protected]"]Email me[/email]

Posted : 06/04/2020 12:26 pm
Kevin R. Cashen
Posts: 735

My taekwondo institute all got set up with Zoom video conferencing, so we are still doing classes in front of a tablet or laptop. I just submitted my second article for the ABS journal and am trying to get proficient with Blackmagic Davinci Resolve. I was up late last night editing video on it, going "wow!" at some of the features, while getting frustrated with others because they are not in the same place as Adobe Premiere Pro. I have a couple of blades in the shop that need tending to, but any level of shop dust normally opens me up for a cold or something and I just want to avoid anything like that. Michigan is too involved in it right now. Everything in our house smells like bleach. I am taking a bleach cloth with me to the mailbox and misting the mail with denatured alcohol before opening it. The whole family freezes with dread when my pager goes off, and I have already had to go to a high risk call. I have classes and events later this year that are hard to plan for because, even after the lockdowns are over, the threat will not have vanished.

I have come to see our chickens in a whole new light. They are very efficient food factories. I expanded their pen to half the back yard so that they eat much less prepared feed because, with the amount of eggs the girls are providing, they could help keep us from having to go for groceries as often.

"One test is worth 1000 'expert' opinions" Riehle Testing Machines Co.

Posted : 06/04/2020 1:10 pm
Ed Caffrey
Posts: 752
Prominent Member Master Bladesmith

Karl, I know you would like a vanilla scented candle.

<img src=' f' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' /> I read that an got this image in my head of Karl in camo "fruit of the looms"..... sitting at a campfire made of scented candles! I don't know where that came from....I'm blaming the meds! LOL!!!

Ed Caffrey, ABS MS
"The Montana Bladesmith"

Posted : 06/04/2020 1:15 pm
Karl B. Andersen
Posts: 1067


<img src=' f' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' /> I read that an got this image in my head of Karl in camo "fruit of the looms"..... sitting at a campfire made of scented candles! I don't know where that came from....I'm blaming the meds! LOL!!!

I........I.........I'm not sure what to think about that. I mean.....about you thinking that.

Karl B. Andersen

Journeyman Smith

Posted : 06/04/2020 2:09 pm
Ed Caffrey
Posts: 752
Prominent Member Master Bladesmith

Me neither Karl!! Like I said, I read that and the image popped into my head...... it's the meds! <img src=' f' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

Ed Caffrey, ABS MS
"The Montana Bladesmith"

Posted : 06/04/2020 3:21 pm
Kevin R. Cashen
Posts: 735

Cabin fever can indeed do strange things to your mind.

"One test is worth 1000 'expert' opinions" Riehle Testing Machines Co.

Posted : 06/04/2020 3:36 pm
Matthew Parkinson
Posts: 556
Honorable Member Journeyman Bladesmith (5yr)

Well now that is am image I'll never be able to unsee..

Posted : 06/04/2020 4:14 pm
Posts: 1675

Well thanks Ed. That is going to be in my brain a while. Lol. Luckily my shop is attached to the house and I have been spending more time out there working on orders and thinking about new things I want to work on. Like carving handles a la Vince Evans, maybe some leather work, more time with the graver meister. I do miss being able to go out and see friends at a restaurant and also going to work at Avis, but I am thankful that I do have a place to live and food and a wife working from home. We will get through it and hopefully the world may be a bit nicer place when we do.


Brion Tomberlin

Anvil Top Custom Knives

ABS Mastersmith

Posted : 06/04/2020 8:02 pm
Lin Rhea
Posts: 1563
Topic starter

<img src=' f' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

I love it.

I'm at the museum this morning. It's very quiet of course. The streets are almost empty, the lights are barely on. But the birds were singing beautifully in the hedges when I just walked out to check things. They seem to know what's important and I will try to imitating them and try to focus on what they are focusing on; The necessary things but all the while exhibit appreciation for beauty and share happiness as if in song.

Fortunately, even though our singing might not be pretty, we are endowed with gifts that could exhibit what some think is beauty. Continue to share it. If the birds stopped singing, we would miss them.

I'm hoping to get my equipment shed up and the equipment in it's place this weekend.

Lin Rhea, ABS Mastersmith

[email="[email protected]"]Email me[/email]

Posted : 08/04/2020 7:45 am
Posts: 197

I was getting tired of outsourcing my knife sheaths so I read all the articles I could find here in the Sheath Forum section and watched some U tube videos, so as of last night I am almost done with my first sheath. Really enjoyed buying the tools and supplies needed and other than screwing up the first layout I really liked making it. Stay safe men.

Posted : 09/04/2020 11:58 am
Posts: 126
Estimable Member Apprentice Bladesmith

I have a state job at a health care facility, so my 8-5 is secure if not a little amped up. But, with all extra stuff for the kids cancelled, it has been strange to be home every night and weekend. Two weekends were spent butchering and processing a couple of show hogs. Figured some hoard TP, I'll stock up on pork roast, sausage, and bacon. Then I built a jig and forged a bunch of bottle openers one weekend. Then I've spent a few weekends making damascus. One giant project, and a bunch of billets and forged blades just for later, so I don't have to run the forge so much when it's 112 degrees or whatever outside. I've taken a couple of knife re-handle jobs I'd ordinarily turn down also.

I also had a two year project compiling a knifemaking book, an anthology with roughly 25 chapters and 18 authors. It went to publishing right at the start of the mess. Since I was thinking about writing, Shanna Jantz Kemp tossed me an idea, and book two is already done. Been making proposals to publishers. Have gotten good feedback, but no contract yet.

If Arkansas show holds in September as planned, I should have some darn good stuff on hand.

Interesting times for sure.

Posted : 09/04/2020 7:08 pm
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