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Living Treasure Film Premiere With Mastersmith J R Cook

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This is the press release for the Living Treasure film premiere which is on Wednesday night, May 28th. Our own Master Smith J.R. Cook is one of the Arkansas Living Treasures. Each artist has his own film and they shot J.R. Cook for several hours one day and his film is a nice close-up of him at work in his shop, with some good stories about his career over the years. Congratulations to J.R. Cook!

Master Smith Lin Rhea sent this information to me and he hopes it's an enjoyable evening for all. If people have any questions about how to get to the theater, it's located at the River Market. The library parking lot is really the easiest/ best way to access it.

All of the films can be viewed online at www. after the May 28th premier.

Dan Cassidy
Journeyman Smith
Send an email to Dan

Posted : 19/05/2014 11:08 am