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Intro Class At Haywood Cc

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Posts: 135
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I'm sitting at the airport waiting to fly home and wanted to share my thoughts on the past two weeks at school and the Hammer in. I would have to say. Every second was a blast and well worth the money, time, and sacrifice of being away from home that long. The friendships forged during the class and hammer in will be just as durable as the knives we learned to forge. Greg Neely and Scot McGhee did a superb job of sharing there knowledge and differing styles I very much appreciate there patience and understanding. There was also school liaison Cj who also gave selflessly of her time and knowledge as well. Bill Wiggins and Ken Hall added to an already Awsome experience. Bill invited the whole class to his forge after school one evening were we ate at a cool little restaurant. My only regret was Bill ate a salad while I had a fantastic country fried steak dinner. Lol. He shared his knowledge back at his shop as we talked n had a blast till about 11 that evening. Great memories for all that was there. The hammer in was my first of many to come. Burt Foster did an amazing heat treat demo,Ken Hall did just as amazing in his guards demo along with Bill Wiggins handles class. An Awsome knife show where I got to meet Mr Kessler. Daniel Warren even stoped by while we were testing our knives and I think to make sure Scott McGhee was not being to rough on us. Lol. I'm more like a hermit crab than a social butterfly so I would have to cospare the joy and excitement and joy of these past two weeks to the birth of my Awsome little 6 year old son. I'm definitely a fan and participant for life. Thank you ABS for putting together such a great event.

Posted : 01/04/2017 11:40 am
Posts: 524
Honorable Member Journeyman Bladesmith (5yr)

Ronald, congratulation on finishing your class. The friendships that are made there are very rewarding and meaningful. Meeting others that share the same dreams is very worthwhile.

I attended the Bill Moral School in Washington, Arkansas, and can say our instructors Mike Williams and Brian Tomberlin were outstanding as well.

The ABS does very well in doing all they can to provide a very well rounded school. As well as the Hammer Ins. I have only been to the Piney Woods Hammer Ins planned by B.R. Hughes. He is

a "walking history book". I have met many of the same MS you had the pleasure of meeting and enjoying their shared knowledge.

Again, congratulations on your school.

If anyone out there is thinking about attending a school or just going to a Hammer In, it is well worth it.


Posted : 01/04/2017 2:02 pm
Posts: 135
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Thank you Mr. Griggs. I'm definitely looking to attend more hammer ins and events. Everything far exceeded my expectations

Posted : 01/04/2017 9:51 pm
Posts: 8

I had a great time teaching my first Intro class. You were all great students and I am proud of your success. Good to meet you Cap'n Jack.

Scott McGhee

Guinea Hog Forge

My link

Posted : 26/04/2017 9:38 am