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Forum View Statistics

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Posts: 1999
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ABS Topic View Statistics

The chart below shows the Topic View Statistics for the ABS Forum from the day we went online through May 12, 2013. There have been more than 1,275,448 views of the Topics on the ABS Forum in more than 100 countries. I keep track of what topics our members are most interested in and try to provide more information in these areas. I thought that our members would like to see this statistical information.

I am preparing a comprehensive report on the ABS Website and our other ABS internet sites such as the ABS YouTube Channel for the Atlanta Board of Directors meeting and will post it for you in the "Members Only Area" of the Forum when it is completed.



Dan Cassidy
Journeyman Smith
Send an email to Dan

Posted : 14/05/2013 12:56 am
Posts: 209
Estimable Member Journeyman Bladesmith (5yr)

Those are some pretty big numbers Dan.

It is exciting to see that Our Forum is becoming such a used resource around the world. Looking at the chart tells me that there are a lot of questions that people are looking for answers to and they are coming here to find them.

I also encourage members to use our forum as it is there for us. Asking questions and providing answers is what we are all about. Interaction amongst the members is what keeps an organization strong and the forum is proving to be a go to resource for us to achieve our purpose -- what better way to promote the art of the forged blade?

I look forward to where we are next year.


Posted : 14/05/2013 10:44 am