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Ed Caffrey
Posts: 754
Prominent Member Master Bladesmith
Topic starter

 Today I had the distinct pleasure of conducting/supervising ABS Apprentice Smith Matt Kirby's JS performance test.  

  I've been conducting/supervising JS and MS performance tests since 2000, and today date, none have impressed me like Matt did today. 

  In short, rather them trying to follow a single tutorial, Matt drew inspiration from several sources, did HIS OWN homework (he brought with him, no less than 7 test blades that he'd made along the way), and using 80CRV2, developed and created a JS performance test blade, that not only passed but did so in the most impressive fashion that I have seen in 23 years.  After the bending portion/completion of the test, I told him.... "Don't be surprised if you're questioned when you present this test blade for your presentation phase".... because the blade rebounded from the bending test, to within about 15-20 degrees of being straight!  And the icing on the cake was the fit and finish would have easily passed the JS performance test standards. 

  (I tried to post pics, but will have to work on sizing them down more....all are currently too large to meet forum rules)


  If Matt wouldn't mind doing so, I want to openly ask him to put his process for creating his test blade in writing and posting it not only here on the ABS forums, but also on the KMT (KnifeMakerTraining) forums that are hosted by my son-in-law on the KMT Website.  It's absolute proof that there are many paths to reach the same destination.... and that there simply isn't any possible way to neatly package and tie up with a bow, anything when it comes to "How to...." and Bladesmithing.  

  Thanks Matt, for allowing me to be part of your Bladesmithing journey!  Keen a eye on Matt!  I see good thing in his future as a Bladesmith, and look forward to the day that the "MS" follows his name!           


Ed Caffrey, ABS MS
"The Montana Bladesmith"

Posted : 12/09/2023 8:16 pm
Ed Caffrey
Posts: 754
Prominent Member Master Bladesmith
Topic starter

Let's try a couple more pics.... I think these will work.....



Ed Caffrey, ABS MS
"The Montana Bladesmith"

Posted : 12/09/2023 8:29 pm
Ed Caffrey
Posts: 754
Prominent Member Master Bladesmith
Topic starter

 Hey Karl!  Come to my rescue, please!  Got the size right...but can only post one photo per post/reply?? 

Ed Caffrey, ABS MS
"The Montana Bladesmith"

Posted : 12/09/2023 8:31 pm
Karl B Andersen
Posts: 118
Estimable Member Journeyman Bladesmith Forum Moderator

Posted by: Ed Caffrey

 Hey Karl!  Come to my rescue, please!  Got the size right...but can only post one photo per post/reply?? 

Ed, the only thing I've been able to do since the transition is to use an off-site host for my photos like IMGUR. It costs nothing. I keep a dedicated ABS file on that site as I upload them. And it allows a person to have the photos in the post as links.
I have no experience uploading photos as attachments, so I can't speak as to the limitations.


Posted : 13/09/2023 7:28 am
Ed Caffrey
Posts: 754
Prominent Member Master Bladesmith
Topic starter

Thanks Karl!    Ya know, I typically do that.... the hosting/links, but was so excited about how well Matt did.... I just wasn't thinking. 🙂   I'll go back to doin what I should have. 😉 

Ed Caffrey, ABS MS
"The Montana Bladesmith"

Posted : 13/09/2023 8:28 am
Bobby Best
Posts: 35
Eminent Member Apprentice Bladesmith

Not sure if it's just me, but no matter what browser I use I can't get any of the links to work on just this post specifically. 
Still, I learned about the KMT website and was able to view the post over there. Along with a longer post by Matt where he worked through his testing process. 

Congrats Matt! 

Posted : 14/09/2023 11:51 am
Posts: 45
Trusted Member Apprentice Bladesmith (5yr)

Thanks for the kind words Ed and for overseeing my performance test!  Building the skillset to earn/become a JS has been a goal of mine since attending one of your basic classes 6 or 7 years ago.  

As mentioned above, I truly drew inspiration from many sources and members of the ABS.  I'm happy to drop names, but don't want to leave anyone off or offend someone.  This forum has been invaluable for me to get no nonsense feedback/info and I'd like to thank everyone.  I hope to become a similar trusted resource that can be of help to others. I'm sure there are many ways that folks are finding success, but I'm happy to put together/share what worked for my performance knife.

Being an experimenter and most definitely a hands-on learner, the performance knife portion of the journey was an absolute blast.

I'm looking forward to the next step in the process and hope that the presentation knives I lay on the table for judging will be worthy of earning a JS stamp in the future.  

Posted : 15/09/2023 3:32 pm