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Arkansas Knifemakers Association Show Awards

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Arkansas Knifemakers Association Show Awards

Congratulations to the following members of the American Bladesmith Society that won awards for their outstanding work at the 2012 Arkansas Custom Knifemakers Association Show in Little Rock, Arkansas. The knife show was held on February 18 and 19, 2012. I will post photos of their winning knives in the Gallery of the ABS Forum as soon as I receive them from the professional photographers.

Short video link of the show from Saturday, 2-18, Click:

Short video link of the show from Sunday, 2-19, Click: http://www.screencas.../t/tSgS26IpAztE

Best of Show - Bruce Bump,MS

Best Damascus -Kyle Royer,MS

Best Bowie - Kyle Royer,MS

Best Art Knife - Ron Newton,MS

Best Hunter - Ron Newton,MS

Best Fighter (tie between) - Kyle Royer,MS and Don Hanson,MS

Best Pearl Knife - Jerry Fisk,MS

Best Sheath - Kenny Rowe,Associate

Best Historically Inspired Knife - Steve Culver,MS

Best Camp Knife - Tad Lynch,JS

Best Giraffe Bone Handle - Logan Pearce, AP

Best of Show - Bruce Bump, Master Smith

Best Damascus -Kyle Royer, Master Smith

Best Bowie - Kyle Royer, Master Smith

Best Fighter - Kyle Royer, Master Smith

Best Art Knife - Ron Newton, Master Smith

Best Hunter - Ron Newton, Master Smith

Best Fighter - Don Hanson, Master Smith

Best Pearl Knife - Jerry Fisk, Master Smith

Best Historically Inspired Knife Award - Steve Culver, Master Smith

Best Sheath - Kenny Rowe,Associate

Best Camp Knife - Tad Lynch, Journeyman Smith

Best Giraffe Bone Handle - Logan Pearce, Apprentice Smith

Congratulations again to the award winners from the American Bladesmith Society and thank you to Cindy Sheely our ABS Office Manager for the photos and video that she took with her IPHONE.

Dan Cassidy
Journeyman Smith
Send an email to Dan

Posted : 18/02/2012 9:31 am
Posts: 203
Estimable Member Journeyman Bladesmith

A ton of talent at this show. Great job guys!

Posted : 19/02/2012 10:38 pm
Posts: 149

I went to the show and was pleasantly surprised at how welcoming all the ABS members were in person. Especially all of the mastersmiths. It showed me that I definitly made the right decision in joining the ABS. The willingness to talk to a new member and answer in detail my novice questions that have probably been asked of them a thousand times without ever a brush off, speaks volumes about the organization. Having been in martial arts for most of my life, it's been my experience that most masters will not talk to beginners, much less explain in depth the details of a technique. It is very refreshing that it is not the way things are in the ABS. Having seen that, I look forward to a very enjoyable future in the ABS.

Cheyenne Walker

Apprentice Smith

Posted : 21/02/2012 2:06 am
Posts: 203
Estimable Member Journeyman Bladesmith

Some of my favorite people are ABS members and are at the AKA Show!

Posted : 21/02/2012 9:51 am
Posts: 1675

Cheyenne it was great to meet you and all you have to do is ask here on the forum and we will try our best to answer. I look forward to seeing you again.

Some really great knives at the show and well deserved awards. Bruce Bump's Port Royal best of show was just exceptional. A real wealth of talent at this show. Congratulations to all the winners. One nice thing is that the winners are chosen by their peers. I like this setup.


Brion Tomberlin

Anvil Top Custom Knives

ABS Mastersmith

Posted : 21/02/2012 11:30 pm
Jerry Fisk
Posts: 18

well, we sure enjoyed it. Saturday was so busy I never did make it into the break room till Sunday morning.

Good show, I was happy with the results.

Jerry Fisk

Master Smith

Posted : 22/02/2012 11:10 pm