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Ed Clarke's Video On Jig For Heat Treating Coal Fire

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cal harkins
Posts: 69
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I watched Ed Clarke's video on a jig he uses for heat treating in coal to prevent hot spots. I got to thinking that I was having the same trouble in my gas forge that I use to heat treat with. The flame comes down on the blade and creates hot spots if you don't keep moving and rotating the blade. I got a piece of heavy 4 x 4 square tubing and stuck it in the forge after I got the forge running. I placed the knife to be heat treated in the tubing. It was a much easier to keep an even heat on the blade. I felt better about the heat treat. I did two more blades the same way and was happy with them.

As you know, I am a novice. Do you guys think that was a good idea or not? Will it improve the heat treat? I appreciate your input on this.

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Posted : 16/01/2014 11:49 pm
Posts: 1675

Hello Cal. Yes this works well in gas forges. It evens out the heat so you do not get the hot spots. Takes a little while to heat up, but it is a good thing. Go for it, I think you will find it makes things easier.


Brion Tomberlin

Anvil Top Custom Knives

ABS Mastersmith

Posted : 17/01/2014 12:29 pm