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Donations Needed For Awards Banquet Auctions At Blade Show

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Donations Needed for ABS Awards Banquet Auctions at 2012 Blade Show

There will be both a silent auction and a live auction conducted by Col. Tim Ryan during the Annual ABS Awards Banquet at the 2012 Blade Show in Atlanta. Gwen Dunn will be managing these events and needs your assistance in obtaining donation items for the auctions conducted at the ABS Awards Banquet on Friday night, June 8th. The auctions raise needed funds for the ABS.

Ideas for auction donation items could include: gift baskets, tools, memorabilia, books, jewelry, knives, supplies, handle material, craft items, “A day in my shop” for training offer, or any other item that our ABS members would be interested in bidding on.

Please contact Gwen Dunn at (270) 779-9123 or by Email [email protected] and let her know what item you are donating for the ABS Awards Banquet Auction. You can also post a reply to this topic and tell us about your auction donation item. Gwen will be available to accept your auction donation at the ABS table on Friday morning at the Blade Show in Atlanta.

We appreciate your generosity.

Dan Cassidy
Journeyman Smith
Send an email to Dan

Posted : 03/05/2012 7:32 am
Posts: 9
Active Member Associate/Collector

I'm planning to bring a basket with Colorado made products. In past years I've included wine, salsa, honey, soaps and note cards. Baskets are fun to put together, we'll see what I can find this year.

In past years there have been Baskets from Michigan and Texas as well as a tea themed basket. I look forward to seeing what other Baskets are donated for the auction.

Posted : 05/05/2012 8:08 am