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I would like to learn more about Decarberization

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Kevin Stinson
Posts: 142
Estimable Member Apprentice Bladesmith
Topic starter

well all i know is it happens because the carbon molecules move around the blade at room temperature they move something like 1 micron every few years. but how they move at temperatures leading to Decarberization i have no clue...i also want to atleast read how to do the oposite.

Posted : 20/08/2024 10:13 pm
Karl B Andersen
Posts: 112
Estimable Member Journeyman Bladesmith Forum Moderator

Set your toaster on high and leave your bread in too long.

Afterward, if you scrape off enough of the burnt stuff, you'll find good bread again.

Turn your toaster down.

Posted : 21/08/2024 6:55 am
Kevin Stinson
Posts: 142
Estimable Member Apprentice Bladesmith
Topic starter

True; however, I should have been more clear that I am looking for the more scientific stuff, as I have a Hospital stay coming up in about two months, and I would like to do something a bit more productive than sit and watch the History Channel between walks and read comics this time...the first time i did not know i was going to be in the hospital.

Posted : 21/08/2024 9:24 am
Kevin R. Cashen
Posts: 133
Estimable Member Admin

For great bedside reading- "Tool Steel Simplified" by Palmer and Luerssen.  It has one of the most in-depth chapters on decarburization and atmospheres I have ever found.  But you will find yourself reading it cover to cover once you start.  This is one of like three must-have books for anybody working with steel like we do. 

Posted : 21/08/2024 10:54 am
Kevin Stinson
Posts: 142
Estimable Member Apprentice Bladesmith
Topic starter

Thank you. I just ordered a copy...what are the other two?

Posted : 21/08/2024 12:09 pm
Kevin Stinson
Posts: 142
Estimable Member Apprentice Bladesmith
Topic starter

Posted by: Kevin R. Cashen

But you will find yourself reading it cover to cover once you start.  This is one of like three must-have books for anybody working with steel like we do. 

I just got my copy in the mail today, and just by skimming the table of contents, I see what you mean. It likely will be a challenge I will not be able to overcome to save it for my hospital stay.

Posted : 27/08/2024 3:29 pm