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New Openings For My Handles And Guards Class!

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Kevin R. Cashen
Posts: 735
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The “Handles and Guards” class that I am teaching at the ABS SOFA school in Troy Ohio, has had a couple of slots open up for registrants. This class, as with all of the SOFA school classes thus far, was full so this is great opportunity for folks to get their foot in the door on this one. I have taught at all the ABS Schools and this one is the newest and probably has some of the most complete facilities for learning our craft. The class is running from April 6th-10th, and is coming up fast so those interested should move soon. If you want a chance at this great opportunity you can contact Eric Brunner at [email protected], or Joel Worley at [email protected] , or me at [email protected].

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Posted : 01/03/2015 2:40 pm