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Kga Shop Tour

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It is getting closer to that time again, the semi annual KGA shop tour time.

This year the shop tour will be at Roy Miller’s in Bethany, OK on the 12th of October.

Right now, I need some information from those that plan to attend as to what they would like to see as a demonstration. Also, if there is some one that has developed a new method of doing something that they would like to share, let me know and will try to get you lined out as a demonstrator.

As most of you know, the shop tour host gets a lifetime membership and the demonstrator will receive a one year membership which includes a web page.

Members are encouraged to invite others to our shop tours and any one with an interest in knives is welcome.

Tail gate sales are welcome.

Please think about bringing a donation for our Iron In the Hat, which goes to support our shop tours.

On another note, Jerry Barlow is now in the Stillwell Nursing home that is just west of town on Highway 100. Before you get to the hospital. I stopped by and visited him on Sunday after the AG Russell show and he was in good spirits. He has lost a lot of weight and still has some bad days. If your in the area and would like to visit him, I am sure he would be glad to see you. Jerry had a bad accident last winter and has been under doctors care ever since.

Please mark the date down and make plans to attend. The menu hasn’t been discussed yet and will let you know when I get the final information to send to everyone about the tour.

Ray Kirk

KGA Sec/Treas

Dan Cassidy
Journeyman Smith
Send an email to Dan

Posted : 19/08/2013 10:42 pm
Posts: 1999
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Ray Kirk sent out the Final Details for the October 12th Shop Tour today:

From: Ray Kirk

Sent: Friday, September 06, 2013 5:14 PM

Subject: Fall KGA shop tour 2013

The details for the agenda of the fall shop tour of the Knife Group Association have been finalized.

Time: Oct. 12, 2013, 10:00 AM till around 4:00 PM, Place: 4008 N Redmond Ave., Bethany, OK 65803. Roy Millers Transmission shop.


The most important part of the day will be the meal, just kidding. It is a great point of interest and this year it will be Tex-Mex. For those that want to bring a side dish, please feel free to bring something that goes with it.

Our first demo will be Jerald Nickels doing a rise and fall for the slip joint folder. As you know, he does a great job of this and makes a very nice folder.

Our second demo in the morning will be by Roy Miller doing a slotted guard for a hidden tang knife. As you know, the fit of the guard on a knife is usually the first thing a customer will look at. If there is a gap, they will usually lay it down and move on.

The third demo will be after lunch by Jerry Lairson. He will be forging a small knife and will donate it to the Iron in the Hat.

The Iron in the Hat drawings will be after Jerry’s demo. Others are encouraged to bring something for the Iron in the Hat drawings. This is how we support help support our shop tours. It also gives many a chance to win something for a small donation.

Tandy Leather may be there and may not. Roy hasn’t heard back from them as of this time.

I will be bringing my latest knife show display case. For those of you that display your knives and are concerned about children getting cut and knives that grow legs at shows, this may be something you may want to build. It is pretty simple, of course, since I thought of it, and increases display room on your table. Some shows have a limit on the height of objects on your table so that may need to be addressed.

As usual, we encourage tail gate sales and if you want, bring a works in progress to show others how you may be doing things or to ask questions.

If there is some one that would like some 15n20 or round bar (52100 and 5160), please let me know ahead of time. It will make it easier to make sure you can get what you need.

There may also be a discussion about how to build gas forges. A few have expressed an interest in this information and there should be several at the meeting that can answer their questions.

Looking forward to seeing every one again and if you can, please let me know if you plan on attending. Also, if you plan on bringing a side dish, please let me know that too. This does make it easier to plan for the meal.

Email me at [email protected] or call me at 918-207-8076, which is my cell phone.

Ray Kirk

KGA Sec/Treas

Dan Cassidy
Journeyman Smith
Send an email to Dan

Posted : 07/09/2013 2:51 pm
Posts: 1999
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That is right, only 3 days left till our shop tour at Roy Miller’s Transmission Shop in Bethany, Oklahoma

Tail Gate Sales – Iron in the Hat – Demonstrations – Good Food – Good Company – Bankers Hours (10:00 till 4:00)

Tex-Mex will be the main course and side dishes are welcome. Bring a friend to share the good times with.

Ray Kirk

KGA Sec/Treas

Dan Cassidy
Journeyman Smith
Send an email to Dan

Posted : 09/10/2013 5:58 pm