Hi all, in addition to Blade Atlanta, which event see journeyman and master judging? Are the blades on public display after judging? Thanks in advance.
There is only one other and it will be for the first time this year at the hammer-in in Troy Ohio for the first time. There was only one other during Covid when the Blade Show was cancelled in 2020. That was just a once-and-done deal for those applicants who had knives for testing but couldn't because the Blade Show was cancelled.
Will they continue to have the judging in Troy Ohio every year to come?
I came here to ask this question. Any updates or is Atlanta the best option?
I came here to ask this question. Any updates or is Atlanta the best option?
It's going to be a "rotating" venue of testing. Each year will be in Atlanta - for the foreseeable future.
Then, another location will be used throughout the year. This year it's at the Troy Super Hammer-In. Next year may be at another location.
This will make testing "convenient" for people in other regions as the years tick by.
my understanding is there will be performance testing in Troy this year; however, the judging of the presentation MS/JS set will be at Bill Moran School at the piney woods hammer-in in Oct. 2024. Judging was in Troy in 2023, so it may be 2025/2026 before it rotates back to that site IMO
Fyi for those that havn't seen this elsewhere...