Innovation Challeng...
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Innovation Challenge

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Jerry Fisk
Posts: 18
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The Jerry Fisk Custom Knife Collectors Association is underway and we would like to encourage you makers to enter. Below is the description. You can go to the website to learn more or you can read about it on our forums. You must be a member and we are always taking in new members so sign up for membership and sigh up for the challenge.

We plan on using this platform to bring in new buying clients to our industry so this could be a really big thing.

Good luck to each of you.


The CKCA - Jerry Fisk Cutlery Challenge is an opportunity for CKCA members, (forge and/or do stock removal) to be

awarded an endowment of $15,000 for creating the most innovative knife they have ever done. Out of all the submissions,

three recipients will be chosen and can use the money however they choose – as long as it related to making a knife which

is more innovative. For example, the money could be used for training/travel for engraving/carving or for the purchase of

needed equipment. It could be the innovation of a new process – a new design – anything which produces a knife more

innovative than what is currently being done. Makers are required to keep records/receipts detailing how their endowment

was spent and these records are subject to inspection by the CKCA. Each recipient must agree to be photographed

and/or filmed during the year they are working on their knife – and must promise to disclose any methods that they used at


OUTSOURCING. Those methods and videos will be available for viewing upon presentation of their pieces for judging at

the Blade Show in Atlanta. After judging is complete, the information will be available for educating other makers.

The benefactor of the program has claimed the “right to purchase” any or all of the submitted knives at a price agreed

upon by he and the maker. Any knives not purchased by the benefactor may be sold by the makers to whomever they

choose after they are judged and the project is completed. All money received from the sales go to the makers. CKCA is

not responsible for selling the knives nor will they receive any money from the sales. (CKCA reserves the right to have the

knives displayed for a period of time in a museum (yet to be determined) in order to further promote custom knife making in

the art field). Each recipient will be responsible for paying taxes on these funds and will receive a 1099 at the end of the

year for tax reporting purposes. Use the link to fill out the online application form.

Here are our Project Milestones:

May 1, 2012 - All applications have to be in to the CKCA for consideration.

June 7, 2012 - Three CKCA member knifemakers will be chosen for each to receive a $15,000.00 endowment to create

their Knife Innovation Project. Winners will be announced and checks awarded at the annual CKCA Banquet/Meeting/Mini

Knife Show on Thursday night before Blade Show.

July 7, 2012 - Date by which the three winning knifemakers will give the CKCA an idea of the direction they are going in

creating their Knife Innovation Project. You are not committing to an idea or design but more running your ideas, concept

and preferably drawings past us for acceptance and/or guidance.

April 15, 2013 - Date that all three Knife Innovation Projects are to be 100% completed and due to our designated CKCA

photographer for photography and promo materials.

Blade Show June 2013 - The winning Knife Innovation Project will be selected by our distinguished panel of judges and

winning knifemaker will be introduced and celebrated as the 2013 CKCA-Jerry Fisk Cutlery Challenge Winner.

Jerry Fisk

Master Smith

Posted : 12/03/2012 10:43 pm